Price: $99,999
Location: Raleigh, NC
Industry: Day Care and Children Centers
Listing ID: 16962567-WL
Listing Status: New
This business operates as a franchise business that provides a mix of gym, art, & science for children aged 3 months to 5 years.
This unique blend of activities helps children develop physical, cognitive, and social skills in a fun and engaging environment. To own this establish business that has a strong customer base and great community reputation, you do not need an educational background but a business mindset.
-Proven Business Model
-Diverse Revenue Streams
-Comprehensive Support and Training From Franchisor
-Community and Family Engagement
-Strong Market Demand
-Brand Recognition and Trust
Down Payment: N/A
Total Sales: N/A
Cash Flow: N/A
Accounts Receivable: N/A
Inventory: N/A
Year Established: 2017
Year of last Acquisition: 2022
Owner Hours Per Week: 20
Non-Owner Payroll: N/A
Employees: 8
Real Estate: N/A
Real Estate Included: No
Monthly Rent: $8,339
Type of Location: Shopping Center
Square Footage: 4500
Franchise: Yes
Facilities Information: This business locates in one of the busiest shopping center in Wake County
Reason For Sale: Family
Training & Support: Franchise training
Competition: Light competition for a child care that provide classes, activities, family events, and drop in care.
Potential Growth: The demand for child actives service is growing in wake county. So the growth potential is promising.